Rank of a coherent sheaf using resolution by vector bundles


The rank of a coherent sheaf is defined in terms of the Hilbert polynomial (See Huybrechts-Lehn 1.2.2 or Rank of a coherent sheaf in terms of coefficients of the Hilbert polynomial).

Now let $\mathcal{F}\to X$ be a coherent sheaf over a projective manifold, so that there exists a resolution $E^{\bullet}\to\mathcal{F}$ of $\mathcal{F}$ by vector bundles.

Is there a way to define (or recover for instance) the rank of $\mathcal{F}$ using the resolution $E^{\bullet}$ (just like we can define the first Chern class for example)?

Best Answer

Yes. Hilbert polynomials are additive over exact sequences: if $0\to F_n\to \cdots \to F_0\to 0$ is an exact sequence, then $\sum_{i=0}^n (-1)^iH_{F_i}(\lambda) =0$.

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