Range of a function $|\sin x|+|\cos x|$

absolute valuecalculuscauchy-schwarz-inequalityfunctions

What is the range of function $Y=[|\sin x|+|\cos x|]$ where $[ ]$ denotes the greatest integer function.
And what is range of function $Y=|\sin x|+|\cos x|$

For the second one,
I have tried squaring :
I got $Y^{2}=1+|\sin 2x|$
and range will be between $1$ and $\sqrt{2}$

Please help me with this…!!!

Best Answer

I don't understand your description of the second solution of the second question, but your first solution of that question is correct, the range is $[1,\sqrt{2}]$.

The method for solving the first question is to follow definitions and think logically.

You know that $|\sin(x)| \in [0,1]$ and that $|\cos(x)| \in [0,1]$. Therefore $$|\sin(x)| + |\cos(x)| \in [0,2] $$ It follows that $$[|\sin(x)| + |\cos(x)|] \in \{0,1,2\} $$ In other words, the range of your function is a subset of $\{0,1,2\}$.

So now you have three further questions to pursue:

  1. Does the range contain $0$?
  2. Does the range contain $1$?
  3. Does the range contain $2$?

Question 3 is the easiest: $[|\sin(x)| + |\cos(x)|] = 2$ if and only if $|\sin(x)| = 1$ and $|\cos(x)| = 1$, and I'm sure that you can convince yourself that this is impossible, no matter value of $x$ you pick. Therefore $2$ is not in the range of the function.

Question 2 is also easy: I'm sure that you can find a value of $x$ such that one of $|\sin(x)|$, $|\cos(x)|$ equals $0$ and the other equals $1$, so their sum equals $1$. Therefore $1$ is in the range of the function.

Question 1 is the trickiest. $[|\sin(x)| + |\cos(x)|] = 0$ if and only if $[|\sin(x)| + |\cos(x)|] \in [0,1)$. Can you find a value of $x$ for which this is true? Or perhaps can you prove that this is false for all values of $x$?

Perhaps that's enough for you to proceed.

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