Randomly drawing socks out of a bag


There are 5 pairs of socks in a bag, so a total of 10 socks. Each pair of socks is of a different color from the others. After having randomly drawn 4 socks from the bag, what's the probability of picking 4 socks of different colors?

My answer was to first get the total number of possible draws as ${10 \choose 4} = 210$.

Then I'd proceed to compute the number of possible pickings of 2 pairs of socks out of the 4 draws:
${4 \choose 2} {4 \choose 2} = 36$.

Similarly, the number of pickings of 1 pair of socks + 2 loose socks would be ${4 \choose 2} {4 \choose 1} {4 \choose 1} = 96$.

The probability of picking 4 socks of different colours would then be the complementary set of events to the sum of the previous 2: $P($ no matching pair $) = 1 – \frac{36 + 96}{210} = 0.372$.

However the answer to the problem points to a different result. I understand the fact there are 5 colors should factor in somewhere, I only considered the number 4 (the draws) in my combinatorics and I guess this is the source of my mistake.

Best Answer

I think you do not need to do these cumbersome calculations .Let me show you another approach. Lets show the socks using boxes , each adjacent boxes represent same color.


Now assume that we have some stickers which we use to select which sock will be selected. When we put these stickers onto these boxes , it will mean that we will select that box ,i.e, that sock.

  • In the beginning , we can select any of them , so we have $$\frac{10}{10}=1$$

  • Assume that we select the box $2$ , then we cannot select box $1$ , because all selected boxes must be different colors. Then , we have $8$ choices among $9$ possible boxes such that $$\frac{8}{9}$$

  • Now ,assume that we put the sticker onto the box $5$ ,so there left $6$ possible choices among $8$ boxes , so $$\frac{6}{8}$$

  • Assume that assume that the sticker has been put onto box $10$ , now we have $4$ suitable choices among $7$ , so $$\frac{4}{7}$$

Now , it is the time for finding their product such that $$1 \times \frac{8}{9}\times \frac{6}{8}\times \frac{4}{7 }= \frac{24}{63}=0.380952381$$