Random walk inside a square (probability of escape before returning)

markov chainsmarkov-processprobability theoryrandom walkstochastic-processes

My question comes from Exercise 9.7. of the book "Markov Chains and Mixing Times (2nd edition)" written by David A.Levin and Yuval Peres. Specifically, let $B_n$ be the subset of $\mathbb{Z}^2$ in the box of side length $2n$ centered at $0$. Let $\partial B_n$ be the set of vertices along the perimeter of the box. The problem statement asks us to show that for simple random walk on $B_n$, $$\lim_{n\to \infty} \mathbb{P}_0\{\tau_{\partial B_n} < \tau^+_0\} = 0.$$ I think it is intuitively clear but have no idea on how this can be justified analytically. Since this problem is in Chapter 9, I guess the author wants us to use the theory of network reduction laws/rules developed in the context of "random walks on networks". Any hint or help are greatly appreciated!

Best Answer

I think I have something, if I dindn't make any mistake.

$\mathbb{P}_0\{\tau_{\partial B_n} < \tau^+_0\} = \sum_{k \in \mathbb{N} } \mathbb{P}\{\tau_{\partial B_n} < \tau^+_0 |\tau^+_0 =k \} \mathbb{P}\{ \tau^+_0 =k \} = \sum_{k \geq n } \mathbb{P}\{\tau_{\partial B_n} < \tau^+_0 |\tau^+_0 =k \} \mathbb{P}\{ \tau^+_0 =k \} \leq \sum_{k \geq n } \mathbb{P}\{ \tau^+_0 =k \} = \mathbb{P}\{ \tau^+_0 \geq n \}$

Overall $\mathbb{P}_0\{\tau_{\partial B_n} < \tau^+_0\} \leq \mathbb{P}\{ \tau^+_0 \geq n \}$ which mean that if a random walk touch the boundary of $B_n$ and then go back to $0$ then the first return map to $0$ take at least $n$ step.

Obviously $\mathbb{P}\{ \tau^+_0 \geq n \} \underset{n \to \infty}{\to} 0$

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