Random walk 1D with a single bound

probabilityrandom walk

Consider a one dimensional random walk, where we have a bound at 0 and no upper bound. Also consider that we start at point: 1. My question is how many steps will it on average take to reach zero. If we reach zero the random walk stops. The probability of moving to the left as to the right is equal. Thus $p = q = 1/2$.

I tried solving this using a Monte Carlo simulation, however I'm not even sure if you are guaranteed to always reach the bound.

The problem could also be made more general, for example starting at any point n, or making the probability of moving to the left $p$ and to the right $1-p$.

Best Answer

Short answer, the average number of steps does not exist.

To show this, suppose that the average (read: expected value) of the number of steps to move 1 step backward exists and is equal to $x$. We can make an equation for $x$ by multiplying the probability of each direction by the expected number of steps based on each direction. If we get a backwards step, then it only takes $1$ step. If we get a forward step, then we have $1$ step, plus the average number of steps to get back to the original position, plus the average number of steps to go backward. This becomes the equation:

$$x=\frac{1}{2}(1)+\frac{1}{2}(1+x+x)$$ $$\Rightarrow x=1+x$$

But this is a contradiction, so there is no finite average number of steps.

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