Calculus – Ramanujan-Type Double Sum Infinite Series for 1/?

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These are Ramanujan-Type Series for $1/\pi$ but based on a Double Sum Infinite Series.

Basically it's based on the following expansion of Complete Elliptic Integral of the First Kind $K$ with parameter $k$.


From here on we can follow the similar process as deriving the normal $1/\pi$ series.

I haven't particularly seen these double sum ones, so was wondering whether anyone has worked upon them and looking for some reference on these.

Best Answer

We can rewrite it by substituting $k=m+n$, $$ \sum_{n\ge0}\frac{\left ( 6n+1 \right ) \left ( \frac12 \right )_n^3 }{2^{4n}(1)_n^3} \sum_{k=0}^{n} \binom{2k}{k} \binom{2n-2k}{n-k} =\frac{4}{\pi}. $$ The inner binomial sum is elementary and equals $2^{2n}$, giving the common type of Ramanujan's $\pi$ formula.
Z.W. Sun once conjectured lots of series identities in the paper. Some of them involve similar factors but seem much harder to handle.

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