Radius of convergence of $f(x)=\arcsin(x)$.

power series

I am working out the series representation for the $\arcsin(x)$ function and its radius of convergence, I'm just not sure if my calculations are correct. I used the generalized binomial formula to come up with the following series representation.

Now when I apply the ratio test for the radius of convergence I get the following for my my ratio.

Assuming I haven't made any algebra errors am I correct that the only point of convergence is at $x=0$?

Best Answer

First, we have

$$\binom{-1/2}{k}=\frac{(-1/2)(-1/2-1)\cdots (-1/2-k+1)}{k!}\tag1$$


$$\binom{-1/2}{k+1}=\frac{(-1/2)(-1/2-1)\cdots (-1/2-k+1)(-1/2-k)}{(k+1)!}\tag2$$

Therefore, the ratio of $(1)$ and $(2)$ is given by


Using $(3)$, we find that


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