Radius of Convergence Exercise


Suppose $f(z)= \frac{\sin(z)}{z^2 +64}.$ I want to argue that the radius of convergence of the power series expansion of $f$ at $z=6$ is $10.$ Since the function $f$ is holomorphic inside the open ball $\mathbb{B}(6, 10$) ( Open ball centered at 6 with radius 8), the function must be analytic on this region. Moreover, $10$ is the largest possible radius of such balls centered at $z=6.$ Is this argument correct? Thank you.

Best Answer

$f$ is analytic except for poles at $\pm8i$. Since $|6\pm8i|=10$, this shows that $f$ is analytic in $B(6,10)$ but not in $B(6,r)$ for $r>10$; hence the radius of convergence of the power series is $10$.

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