Radii of spheres bounded in a regular tetrahedron


Consider a regular tetrahedron of side length $1.$ Let there be four spheres packed inside this tetrahedron, each of which have the same radius. The spheres may not be inside other spheres, and they need not be mutually tangent. What is the maximum value of the radius of a sphere which is in the regular tetrahedron.

The volume of this tetrahedron would simply be $\frac{1}{6\sqrt{2}}.$ Let the radii of all four spheres be $r,$ their volume would be $\frac{16 \pi r^3}{3}.$ We would want to maximize $\frac{16\pi r^3}{3}$ such that $\frac{16\pi r^3}{3} < \frac{1}{6\sqrt{2}}.$ However, this approach seems to be unappealing. Is there a better way of doing this problem? Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

As usual in similar problems the key to the solution is a good drawing. Let the edge $AB$ and the height of the tetrahedron drawn from $D$ be parallel to the plane of the figure. Observe that the fourth vertex $C$ of the tetrahedron coincides (in projective sense) with the foot of the height.

The point $Z$ is the center of the tetrahedron. Let $X$ and $Y$ be the centers of the spheres lying on the heights drawn from $A$ and $B$, respectively. Obviously the spheres have the largest possible radius if they touch each other. From the symmetry the touch point $N$ lies (in the projective sense) on the line $DC$.

enter image description here From the similar triangles $AXQ$ and $AZC$ we have: $$ \frac{XQ}{QA}=\frac{ZC}{CA}\implies\frac{r}{\frac12-r}=\frac{\sqrt\frac1{24}} {\frac12}\implies r=\frac1{2+\sqrt{24}}. $$

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