$R$ commutative ring with 1 and not every ideal is principal. Prove $R$ has ideal that is not principal.


I am wondering how to go about proving this,

Let $R$ be a commutative ring with identity such that not every ideal of $R$ is principal.

A) Use Zorn's lemma to show that $R$ has an ideal $J$ such that (i) $J$ is not principal ideal (ii) $J$ is not properly contained in any non-principal ideal.

B) Show that $R/J$ is a principal ideal ring (where $J$ is the ideal from part (a)).

Best Answer

Follow the hint in (A) and use Zorn. You need the fact that the union of a chain of non-principal ideals is non-principal. If the union $J$ were principal, then it would have a generator, which would lie in some ideal $I$ of the chain, but then $I=J$ would then be principal.

in (B) all ideals containing $J$ (other than $J$) are principal, so reduce to principal ideals in $R/J$. Of course, $J$ also reduces to a principal ideal in $R/J$.

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