Quotient to make $X$ a $T_1$ space


Let $X$ be a topological space. We define a relation on $X$:
$$x \approx y : \quad \Leftrightarrow \quad x \in \overline{\{y\}}.$$
In general $\approx$ is no equivalence relation since it lacks symmetrie. But of course it generates an equivalence relation $\sim$ on $X$ (the smallest equivalence relation containing $\approx$).

My question: Is $X/\sim$ a $T_1$ space?

Or in other words: Are the equivalence classes of $\sim$ closed?

Best Answer

Consider the topology on $X=[0,\infty)$ generated by closed subsets $[a,\infty)$ and with addition of $\{0\}$ as a closed subset. So open subsets are generated by $[0,a)$ and $(0,\infty)$. You can verify that $A\subseteq [0,\infty)$ is closed if and only if $A$ is of the form $\{0\}$ or $[a,\infty)$ or $\{0\}\cup[a,\infty)$. It follows that

$$\overline{\{x\}}=\begin{cases} [x,\infty) &\text{if }x>0 \\ \{0\} &\text{for }x=0 \end{cases}$$

As a consequence $0\not\sim x$ if $x>0$.

On the other hand you can easily check that if $x,y>0$ then $x\sim y$.

Combining these two we get that the equivalence class $[1]_\sim=(0,\infty)$ is not closed. In fact the quotient space $X/\sim$ is equal to $\{[0],[1]\}$ with topology (of open subsets) $\{\emptyset, \{[1]\}, X/\sim\}$.

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