Quotient of algebraic group by the intersection of the kernels of all characters is diagonalisable


Let $G$ be an algebraic group and let $H= \bigcap_{\chi \in X(G)} \ker{\chi} $ where $X(G)$ denotes the character group of $G$. Now it is claimed in Humphreys Linear algebraic Groups exercise 16.12 that $G / H$ is diagonalisable. I am struggling to prove this statement. What I do know is that $G/H$ is necessarily abelian as commutators will be in the kernel of an arbitrary character and therefore it would be enough to show that any element of $G/H$ is diagonalisable.

Also if I could show that $X(G/H)$ is finitely generated by $\chi_1,\dots , \chi_n $ say then $(G/H) $ is diagonalisable as I can then find an injective map from $G/H$ to a Torus $T$ given by $\phi: G/H \mapsto T \ \phi(g)=(\chi_1(g), \dots , \chi_n(g))$. However I cannot assume the statement that the character group of any algebraic group is finitely generated as I am trying to use this statement to get to that conclusion.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

Algebraic subgroups of an algebraic group $G$ are in particular closed subschemes of $G$ and thus they satisfy the descending chain condition. This implies that given any collection $(H_i)_{i \in I}$ of algebraic subgroups of $G$, the intersection $H = \bigcap_{i \in I} H_i$ can already be realized as a finite intersection $\bigcap_{j = 1}^n H_{i_j}$ for some indices $i_1, \dotsc, i_n \in I$.

Applying this to your setting you find finitely many characters $\chi_1, \dotsc, \chi_n$ of $G$ such that $H = \bigcap_{j = 1}^n \ker(\chi_j)$. Then your argument gives an injective morphism of algebraic groups $G/H \subseteq \mathbf{G}_m^n$ and as you already mentioned this shows that $G/H$ is diagonalizable.

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