Quotient of a non-elementary nilponent group


Here is a (seemingly) simple problem in group theory. Given a non-elementary finite nilpotent group $N$, show there exist $p \neq q$ primes such that $N$ has a quotient $\Bbb Z_{pq}^{2}$.

Here, an elementary group is defined to be a direct product of a $p$ group and a cyclic group of order coprime to p. That is, $E$ elementary $\iff \exists P, C : E = P \times C$ where $|P| = p^{k}$, and $C$ is cyclic such that $(|C|, p) = 1$.

A nilpotent group is defined in the standard way, a group $N$ is nilpotent $\iff$ the central series of $N$ is finite.

I'm not sure how to approach this one– does anyone have any pointers?

Best Answer

(i) A finite nilpotent group is the direct product of its Sylow-subgroups.

(ii) The quotient of a finite $p$-group by its Frattini subgroup is elementary abelian.

(iii) If the quotient of a finite group by its Frattini subgroup (the set of non-generators) is cyclic then the group itself is cyclic.

(iv) The direct product of two finite cyclic groups of coprime orders is itself cyclic.

From these standard results it is clear that a finite nilpotent group which is not "elementary" must have at least two Sylow subgroups which are non-cyclic, for primes $p,q$ say. Hence we get a quotient $\mathbb{Z}_p\times\mathbb{Z}_p\times\mathbb{Z}_q\times\mathbb{Z}_q\simeq\mathbb{Z}_{pq}\times\mathbb{Z}_{pq}$.

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