Quotient group acts on quotient space


A variant of my previous question, leaving out the hypothesis of a faithful action.

Let $G$ be a group acting on a topological space $X$, and $N$ a normal and abelian subgroup of $G$.
Does the action of $G$ on $X$ induce an action of the quotient group $G/N$ on the quotient space $X/N$?

Best Answer

Yes. The induced action makes the coset of $g$ map the orbit of $x$ to the orbit of $gx$.

That is: if $[x] = \{nx\mid n\in N\}$, then we let $(gN)[x] = [gx]$.

To verify that this is well defined, first note that if $[x]=[y]$ and $g\in G$, then there exists $n\in N$ such that $x=ny$. Then $gx = gny$. But since $N$ is normal, $gN=Ng$, so there exists $n’\in N$ such that $gn=n’g$. Therefore, $gny = n’gy$. Therefore, $[gx]=[gy]$.

And second, if $gN=hN=Nh$, then there exists $n\in N$ such that $g=nh$. Therefore, $gx = nhx$, so $[gx]=[hx]$. Thus, $(gN)[x] = [gx]=[hx] = (hN)[x]$ as required.

Finally, this is indeed an action: $eN[x] = [ex] = [x]$ and $((gN)(hN))[x] = (gh)N[x] = [(gh)x] = [g(hx)] = gN[hx] = (gN)(hN[x])$.

Note that you do not need $N$ to be abelian, just normal.