Questions about $\omega_1$ as a space (The Set of All Countable Ordinals)


The Set of All Countable Ordinals, $\omega_1$

I'm trying to understand several things regarding $\omega_1$ and trying to get a better intuition. I have four questions regarding this space (in bold), but I also tried to summarize here what I know about the space, hoping that it helps anyone who comes across this post in the future. Thank you for any insights.

1) Definition

  • $\omega_1$ denotes the set of all countable ordinals and $\{\omega_1\}$ is the first uncountable ordinal.

  • Elements are all countable ordinals – I imagine the $\omega_1$ space as $0, 1, 2, 3, …. \omega, \omega + 1, \omega + 2, … \omega + \omega, … \omega * \omega, …\omega_1 $

  • The element $\{ \omega_1 \}$ itself is not part of the space. It is the limit point.

  • Topology is precisely the order topology, given by linear order $\leq$.

2) Properties

  • $\omega_1$ is Hausdorff, locally compact

  • Its cardinality is $\aleph_1$

  • It is first-countable

  • 0 and every successor ordinal $\alpha+1$ are isolated points

  • It is not compact (since the collection $\{ [0,\alpha):\alpha<\omega_1 \}$ is an open cover with no finite subcover.

  • Not connected. (For instance, 0 (the least element) is an isolated point, which means that the set {0} is open. It is also closed (as is any finite set in ω1 or any other Hausdorff space) and so its complement is open. Thus we have written $\omega_1$ as a union of two nonempty disjoint open sets, so it is not connected.)

  • Not separable

  • Is it a discrete space?

  • How do the open and closed subspaces look?

  • Is it (strongly) zero-dimensional? How does the basis look?

  • Are clopen subspaces homeomorphic to the whole space?

Best Answer

Minor correction: $\omega_1$ is both the first uncountable ordinal and the set of countable ordinals. $\{\omega_1\}$ is just a singleton set that contains it as its single element, so far from uncountable nor an ordinal.

I agree fully with all the properties.

Limit ordinals (so the non-succesor ones) like $\omega, \omega+\omega, \omega\cdot \omega, \omega^\omega$ (all in ordinal arithmetic) which are all elements of $\omega_1$ are not isolated points: e.g. the first limit $\omega$ has as its basic neighbourhoods $(n, \omega+1)=(n,\omega]$ (open interval, $n < \omega$ so $n$ a natural. Just open intervals containing $\omega$ (we can assume that the right hand boundary point is $\omega+1$ WLOG and the left hand boundary point of the interval must lie below $\omega$). All these are infinite. These intervals are also clopen, as is easy to see.

So $\omega_1$ is not discrete, there are $\aleph_1$ many limits in it, all of which are not isolated.

So basic elements are $\{\alpha\}$ for $\alpha =0$ or $\alpha$ a successor and are clopen. A basic element for a limit is of the form $(\beta, \alpha]$ where $\beta < \alpha$. All of these are clopen (complement is $[0,\beta+1) \cup (\alpha, \rightarrow)$ which is open too).

I wouldn't know an easy form of a general clopen set.

  • $\omega_1$ is (like all ordered spaces) hereditarily normal, aka $T_5$) and countably paracompact.

  • $\omega+1 = \omega_1 \cup \{\omega_1\}$ is compact and zero-dimensional and $\beta \omega_1 = \omega_1+1$ and so by a standard theorem $\omega_1$ is strongly zero-dimensional.

  • There are many clopen subsets that are merely countable and so not homeomorphic to $\omega_1$, e.g. $\omega+1$ and all isolated points (and all the basic sets I discussed). I think that $[\omega+1, \rightarrow) = \omega_1\setminus (\omega+1)$ is a clopen subset that is homeomorphic to the whole space.