Question Regarding Vershynin’s Proof of Bernstein’s Inequality

concentration-of-measuredistribution-tailsprobabilityprobability theoryrandom variables

I have been studying Vershynin's "High-dimensional Probability," and I have some confusion regarding the proof of Bernstein's inequality (Thm 2.8.2). It concerns the following step: (Perhaps note that $(X_i)_i$ is a finite sequence of independent, mean zero subexponential random variables)

By a property of subexponential random variables, we can bound their MGF the following way for $|\lambda| \leq \frac{c}{\max \|X_i\|_{\phi_1}}$:

$$\mathbb{E}[\exp (\lambda X_i)] \leq \exp (C \lambda^2 \|X_i\|_{\phi_1}^2).$$

Thus we get (from a previous step, note $S := \sum X_i$)
$$ \mathbb{P}(S \geq t) \leq \exp (-\lambda t + C \lambda^2 \sigma^2) \quad (*)$$
where $\sigma^2 = \sum_{i=1}^N \|X_i\|_{\phi_1}^2$. Now we minimize this expression in $\lambda$ with respect to the constraint and get an optimal choice of

$$\lambda = \min \left(\frac{t}{2C\sigma^2}, \frac{c}{\max_i \|X_i\|_{\phi_1}}\right).$$

Thus, with this we obtain
$$ \mathbb{P}(S \geq t) \leq \exp \left(-\min \left(\frac{t^2}{4C\sigma^2}, \frac{ct}{2 \max_i \|X_i\|_{\phi_1}}\right)\right).$$

Now, my issue is with this last step. I get how we get the first term in the minimum simply by plugging in the first possible value of $\lambda$ into (*), and I would think to get the second one I just have to plug in the second possible value, but I don't see how I then get the second value… am I missing something?

If you want to check the source material, the book is available online for free under

Best Answer

Note that $$\frac{t}{2 C \sigma^2} > \frac{c}{\max_i \Vert X_i \Vert_{\psi_1}} \iff \sigma^2 < \frac{t \max_i \Vert X_i \Vert_{\psi_1}}{2 cC}.$$ So if the optimal $\lambda = c / \max_i \Vert X_i \Vert_{\psi_1}$, we can use the above inequality for $\sigma^2$ in your equation $(*)$; simplifying yields the second case of the claimed probability bound as stated.

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