Question on non-unital finite dimensional Banach algebras.


Let $A$ be a non-unital finite dimensional Banach algebra. Then show that $A$ cannot have any approximate identity.

What is required to show is that if a finite dimensional Banach algebra contains an approximate identity then it is necessarily unital. What is known is that an approximate identity in a Banach algebra $A$ is a net $(e_{\alpha})$ satisfying the following properties $:$

$(1)$ $\lim\limits \|ae_{\alpha} – a\| = 0,$

$(2)$ $\lim\limits \|e_{\alpha} a – a\| = 0,$

$(3)$ $\|e_{\alpha}\| \leq 1$ for all $\alpha.$

Also since we are talking about finite dimensional Banach algebras, those algebras are precisely $\mathbb C^n$ as a vector space. So in order to specify a Banach algebraic structure on $\mathbb C^n$ we need to investigate on the possible ways of defining product of two vectors which satisfies norm inequality. If the norm is the usual Euclidean norm on $\mathbb C^n$ then one such product would be dot product which clearly satisfies the requisite norm inequality due to Cauchy-Schwarz inequality. But the problem is that the underlying Banach algebra thus obtained would be unital, $(1,1,\cdots,1)$ being an identity. Another way which comes into my mind is to define convolution product of two vectors. But again it would give rise to a unital algebra which is not what I wished to have. So how to find a valid product on $\mathbb C^n$ which makes $\mathbb C^n$ a non-unital Banach algebra? I am searching for it but couldn't succeed. I am trying solve the problem as a whole in the general setting. Any help would be much appreciated.


Best Answer

For an example of non-unital Banach algebra, define $a\cdot b = 0$ for any $a,b\in\mathbb C^n$.

To prove this statement, note that the closed unital ball of any finite dimensional Banach space is compact, therefore by the third property $\|e_{\alpha}\|\le 1$, there exists a convergent subnet $e_{\alpha_\beta}\rightarrow e$. And by the first two properties we can show that $e$ is an identity of the Banach algebra.

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