Question involving normal and directrix of parabola

conic sectionscontest-math

Three normals are drawn from a point $P(1,1)$ to a parabola and let $A,B,C$ be feet of perpendiculars with $A=(0,0)$ and $B=(3,-1),$ find the slope of directrix. If equation of parabola is$ (x-a)^2+(y+b)^2=\frac{(x+cy-8)^2}{10}$, find $a+2b+c$

My Attempt:

Sum of ordinates of feet of normals is zero. Therefore, let $C=(h,1)$.

Also, second part of the question implies focus is $(a,-b)$ and directrix is $x+cy-8=0$.

A solution exists on toppr website but I don't understand how they calculated $a$.

I know the semi-latus rectum is the harmonic mean of the segments of focal chord but don't know how to use that here.

Also, is there any other way solve this question?

Edit: In the answer below, are we rejecting $c=3$? Why?

Best Answer

As written in Vedaansh Agarwal's answer, we have $$c^2=9\tag1$$ $$a^2+b^2=\frac{32}{5}\tag2$$ $$(3-a)^2+(-1+b)^2=\frac{(3-c-8)^2}{10}\tag3$$

Here, Vedaansh Agarwal wrote

Why not +3? To answer that, I did the same but took c as +3. You will get a bit complicated values for a and b. But when you put these values in the parabola's equation, there is no point with the y coordinate 1. Hence, this parabola will not have a point C(h,1).

However, this is not true.

For $c=3$, the parabola has a point $C(h,1)$. See here.

So, this means that we need another condition to eliminate $c=3$.

Differentiating the both sides of $$(x-a)^2+(y+b)^2=\frac{(x+cy-8)^2}{10}$$ we get $$2(x-a)+2(y+b)y'=\frac{(x+cy-8)(1+cy')}{5}$$

Substituting $(x,y,y')=(0,0,-1)$, we get $$-2a-2b=\frac{-8(1-c)}{5}\tag4$$

Solving $(1)(2)(3)(4)$ gives $$(a,b,c)=\bigg(\frac{12}{5},\frac 45,-3\bigg)$$

Therefore, the slope of directrix is $\color{red}{\frac{1}{3}}$ with $a+2b+c=\color{red}1$.