Question about the proof of Theorem 14 of Hoffman and Kunze

inner-productslinear algebraproof-explanationunitary-matrices

While self studying Linear Algebra from Hoffman and Kunze, I have a question in Theorem 14 in the section on unitary operators from Chapter 8.

Here are the relevant images.
enter image description here

My question is in highlighted line of the image. I am unable to get what reasoning is behind the line that $M_{2}^{-1} $, $ M_{1}M_{2}^{-1}, $ and $ {(M_{1} M_{2})}^{-1}$ are all in $T^{+}(n).$

Edit: I am adding a related question on normal operators here.

Suppose $U$ is any normal operator on $V$ and $\alpha$ is a vector in $V.$ Why should $||U \alpha || = || U^{*} \alpha ||$ always hold true?

Best Answer

Essentially, your first question is answered by the fact that $T^+(n)$ is a multiplicative group. By hypothesis, we have that $M_1$ and $M_2$ are both elements of $T^+(n),$ hence their inverses $M_1^{-1}$ and $M_2^{-1}$ and any product of these four matrices are also in $T^+(n),$ i.e., $M_2^{-1},$ $M_1 M_2^{-1},$ and $(M_1 M_2)^{-1}$ are all in $T^+(n).$

Perhaps a better question is to understand why $T^+(n)$ is a multiplicative group. Observe that the $n \times n$ identity matrix $I$ is an element of $T^+(n),$ and it also functions as the identity element of $T^+(n).$ Further, associativity of matrix multiplication holds, so we need only establish that $T^+(n)$ is closed under multiplication and that the inverse of a matrix in $T^+(n)$ is also in $T^+(n).$ For the latter, I suggest you check out this answer; the former is a matter of routine computation. By writing down the matrices $A$ and $B$ of $T^+(n)$ in terms of their respective elements $a_{ij}$ and $b_{ij}$ in the $i$th row and $j$th column, we have that $$[AB]_{ij} = \sum_{k = 1}^n a_{ik} b_{kj}.$$ Use the fact that $a_{ik} = 0$ whenever $k \geq i + 1$ and $b_{kj} = 0$ whenever $j \geq k + 1$ to see that $[AB]_{ij} = 0$ whenever $j \geq i + 1.$ Likewise, we have that $(AB)_{ii} > 0.$ Both of these together say that $AB \in T^+(n).$

On the matter of your second question, observe that for any vector $\alpha$ and any normal operator $U,$ $$||U \alpha|| = \langle U \alpha, U \alpha \rangle = \langle \alpha, U^* U \alpha \rangle = \langle \alpha, UU^* \alpha \rangle = \langle U^* \alpha, U^* \alpha \rangle = ||U^* \alpha||.$$

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