Question about the one point compactification $\mathbb{R}^2 \cup \infty$ of $S^2$


Question about the one point compactification $\mathbb{R}^2 \cup \infty$ of $S^2$.

Given $a,b \in S^2$, can somebody give me the explicit homeomorphism $\gamma$ from $S^2$ to $\mathbb{R}^2 \cup \infty$ such that $\gamma(a) = 0$ and $\gamma(b) = \infty$? For some reason in my brain I thought this was only possible if $a$ and $b$ are antipodal points, that seems like something that might be true, right? ha. Anyway apparently it's not according to the proof of Lemma 61.2 in Munkres topology, which takes arbitrary $a$ and $b$ and then maps one to $0$ and the other to $\infty$.

thanks in advance 🙂

Best Answer

Stereographic projection: the north pole $P$ corresponds to the point at infinity, the South pole to zero.

In Cartesian coordinates it's $(x,y,z)\to (\frac y{1-x},\frac z{1-x})$.

As for mapping two arbitrary points on the sphere to the origin and infinity, see the comment by @Cheerful Parsnip.