Question about discrete valuation rings


Suppose $R$ is a domain, not a field, and there exists an irreducible $t$ such that every non-zero element of $R$ can be written as $ut^n$, with $u$ a unit. Apparently $R$ is then Noetherian, a PID in fact. I'm trying to understand a proof of that. It says that, if $m$ is the maximal ideal generated by $t$, thus containing any given proper ideal $a$, and $m^k$ is the ideal generated by $t^k$, there is a maximum $k$ for which $a \subset m^k$. Why is that?

Best Answer

For $x\ne 0\in R$, since we know that $x=ut^n$, with $u$ a unit, define $v(x)=n$. Define $v(0)=\infty$.

Then for an ideal $a$, define $v(a)=\min\{v(x): x\in a\}$, which exists since the natural numbers union infinity is well ordered. Then for $k > v(a)$, $a\not\subseteq m^k$, since if $v(a)=n$, then there is $x\in a$ with $x=ut^n$, and $ut^n\not\in m^k$ for $k > n$. Conversely, if $k\le v(a)$, then $a\subseteq m^k$, since every element of $a$ is divisible by $t^{v(a)}$, and thus divisible by $t^k$. Thus $v(a)$ is this maximum $k$ with $a\subseteq m^k$.

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