Question about Baby Rudin — Theorem 1.20 b)


I won't reproduce the proof here, but here is a link to another MathSE question about the same theorem. I've read Brian M. Scott's answer, but I think I'm missing something — I still don't understand why $m_1$ and $m_2$ are necessary for the proof; why can't we just pick an $m$ like in the following examples?

\text{Let } m =
5 &\text{if } nx = 4.6 \\
2 &\text{if } nx = \sqrt{2} \\
-6 &\text{if } nx = -7 \\
\vdots &\text{etc.}
\end{cases} ,

i.e. let $m$ be the next largest integer. I believe this method will always satisfy $m – 1 \leq nx < m$.

Now I'm guessing that the reason we can't directly pick an $m$ without the help of $m_1$ and $m_2$ has something to do with rigour; I think I would be assuming things about $\mathbb{R}$ that Rudin wouldn't want me to just yet, but I can't quite put my finger on what exactly.

Best Answer

Because at that point we don’t know that there is a next larger integer. As I said in that answer, we could use the well-ordering principle for the natural numbers to show that such an integer exists if we knew that $nx$ was positive, but we don’t: $n$ is positive, but $x$ can be any real number. The argument using $m_1$ and $m_2$ establishes that there is such an $m$ even if $nx$ is negative. This part of the proof of could just as well have been pulled out as a separate lemma or proposition: for any $x\in\Bbb R$ there is in integer $m$ such that $m-1\le x<m$.