Question about algebraic integers and roots of unit

algebraic-number-theoryinteger-latticesnumber theory

Let $y$ be an algebraic integer in a finite field extension $K:Q$. Hence y is an element in the maximal Z-order $O_K$.
The question is if $y$ and all its conjugates have absolute value 1, then y in a root of unit.

Here is my proof: Since $O_K$ is Z-lattice, it only have finite many elements in a finite area.
Let $S$ denote the unit circle. We have $K \bigcap O_K$ is finite.
Since $y^n$ also have absolute value 1 and it is still in $O_K$, we get $y^i=y^j$ for some different i and j. Hence, we get $y^{i-j}=1$ which means y is a root of unit.

In the proof, i didn't use the property that all its conjugates have absolute value 1.

But I heared that without this property, y not have to be a root of unit.
(Are all algebraic integers with absolute value 1 roots of unity?)

Can anyone help me find the error in my proof. Thanks

Best Answer

Note that you need to consider all embedings $K \to \Bbb C$ (up to complex conjugation) to obtain a lattice (how exactly you do this is in every algebraic number theory book that treats Minkowski theory). So if you want $y$ to lie in the unit circle under that embedding, all conjugates need to have absolute value $1$.

For example consider $K=\Bbb Q(\sqrt{2})$, then $\mathcal O_K=\Bbb Z[\sqrt{2}]$ is not a lattice if you just embed it via one real embedding into $\Bbb R$.