Quadruples of integers $(a,b,c,d)$ such that for any two distinct elements, $n,m$, $nm+1$ is a square


Find quadruples of positive non-zero integers $(a, b, c, d)$, such that all pairwise products of the four numbers plus one are square numbers. Consider $1 \leq a < b < c < d < N$. How many quadruples exist if $N = 100000$?

Using a brute force approach, for $N = 1000$, I find three solutions: $(1, 3, 8, 120)$, $(1, 8, 15, 528)$ and $(2, 4, 12, 420)$. For the third quadruple:

  • $2 \cdot 4 + 1 = 3 \cdot 3$
  • $2 \cdot 12 + 1 = 5 \cdot 5$
  • $2 \cdot 420 + 1 = 29 \cdot 29$
  • $4 \cdot 12 + 1 = 7 \cdot 7$
  • $4 \cdot 420 + 1 = 41 \cdot 41$
  • $12 \cdot 420 + 1 = 71 \cdot 71$

I assume there is no simple answer for this, but is it solvable at all? Can it be connected with existing problems with known/unknown solutions?

Best Answer

Greg Martin shows that the number of such quadruples up to $N$ is asymptotic to $CN^{1/3}\log N$, where $C={2^{4/3}\over3\Gamma(2/3)^3}$, which is about $0.33828$.

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