Q: Book Recommendation: Matrix Algebra

book-recommendationlinear algebramatrices

I am taking a class in Matrix Algebra soon in Uni, and have heard from colleagues who were in that class that it is quite a tough course. I am looking to possibly do some self study prior to beginning the class. The class focuses on, as the name suggests, some of the following (taken directly from the description on the class webpage):

Matrix arithmetic:

  • Addition
  • Multiplication
  • Transpose

Systems of linear equations:

  • Solving SLEs
  • Gaussian elimination
  • Gauss-Jordan algorithm

Square matrices:

  • Computing determinants
  • Invertibility
  • Computing inverses
  • Properties of determinants
  • Consistency theorems

To my understanding most of if not all of the aforementioned topics fall under Linear Algebra, however I'm hesistant on buying a book on the topic of Linear Algebra as I fear I may mistakingly learn "the wrong topics", in the sense that my study won't be applicable when I take the class. I'm looking for a book that covers most if not all the topics above, and more importantly in a fairly beginner friendly way, possibly with some exercises etc, as I should also mention that all of those topics are completely alien to me and I have never touched on them before in the slightest, naturally leading to some underconfidence.

Thank you for any recommendations.

Best Answer

I have been teaching linear algebra for six years the best book that covers the concepts you mentioned is Linear Algebra and Its Applications for David C. Lay. And if you want a more slightly abstract book (useful for mathematicians) you can check LINEAR ALGEBRA for Jim Hefferon. The last book I would like to recommend is Linear Algebra Done Right" by Sheldon Axler is an excellent book which I have never used but there is a huge vote for it.