Pushout of equivalences along cofibrations are equivalences


I would like to show that if $i:A\to X$ is a cofibration and $f:A\to B$ is a homotopy equivalence, then the induced map $k:X\to X\cup_AB$ is again a homotopy equivalence.
A @>i>> X
B @>>> X\cup_AB

What I have done: Choose a homotopy inverse of $f$, say $g$, and choose a homotopy $H:\mathrm{id}_{A}\simeq g\circ f$. Apply the HEP to $i\circ H:A\times I\to X$ and $\mathrm{id}_{X}:X\to X$ to obtain a homotopy $\tilde H:\mathrm{id}_{X}\simeq \tilde H_1$. Then $\tilde H_1:X\to X$ and $i\circ g:B\to X$ are compatible with the pushout, so they induce a map $\ell:X\cup_A B\to X$. I would like show to that $\ell$ is the inverse to $k$. Certainly $\ell\circ k\simeq\mathrm{id}_{X}$ via $H$, but I can't show the other direction $k\circ\ell\simeq\mathrm{id}_{X\cup_AB}$.

Note: this question was asked here, but the answer was just a list of references. I would really like an explicit proof. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

Here's another more direct approach. We'll use the following proposition:

Let $f: A \to B$ be a map. TFAE:

  1. $f$ is a homotopy equivalence.
  2. The induced map $f^*: Map(B,Z) \to Map(A,Z)$ is a homotopy equivalence for all $Z$, where the map is given by $h \mapsto h \circ f$.
  3. The induced map $f^*: [B,Z] \to [A,Z]$ is a bijection for all $Z$.

We use property 3. Let $W = X \cup_A B$. We want to show that $g^*:[W,Z] \to [X,Z]$ is a bijection for all $Z$. I'll just sketch the idea of surjectivity (and injectivity is very similar).

Let $z: X \to Z$ be a map. Consider $z \circ i: A \to Z$. Since $f$ is a homotopy equivalence, there exists a map $z': B \to Z$ such that $z' \circ f \sim z \circ i$. Since $i$ is a cofibration, there exists a solution $\tilde{h}: X \to Z^I$ to the homotopy extension problem

\begin{CD} A @>{h}>> Z^I\\ @VVV @VV{ev_0}V \\ X @>>> Z \end{CD}

Use this to define the map $w: W \to V$ such that $w \circ g \sim v$. Namely, consider a homotopy $A \times I \to Z$ and create a map $z'' \sim z$ such that $z' \circ f \sim z'' \circ i$. Define $w$ in terms of $z'$ and $z''$ and this gives the appropriate map [details left to you].

Injectivity is a similar idea.

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