$p$th roots of unity in a characteristic $p$ field


Let $\mu_n$ denote the group scheme of $n$-th roots of unity over a field $k$. Let $p$ be the characteristic of $k$. I've read that if $(n,p) = 1$, $\mu_n$ is the discrete group isomorphic to the $n$th roots of unity in $k^*$, and if $n = p^m$, then $\mu_n = \operatorname{Spec} k[T]/(T^{p^m}-1)$.

By saying $\mu_n$ is isomorphic to the $n$th roots of unity in $k^*$, does it actually mean the $\overline{k}$-points of $\mu_n$? And it that is true, it seems like the $\overline{k}$ points should be the same thing when $n = p^m$? What makes the $k = p^m$ case more complicated?

Best Answer

Let's take it apart bit by bit:

By saying $\mu_n$ is isomorphic to the $n$th roots of unity in $k^*$, does it actually mean the $\overline{k}$-points of $\mu_n$?

No. The $k$-points of $\mu_n$ are exactly the $n^{th}$ roots of unity inside $k$: these are the solutions over $k$ of the equation $T^n-1$. $\overline{k}$-points can include more stuff: think about the example when $k=\Bbb Q$ and $n=4$. The $k$-points are $\{-1,1\}$ and the $\overline{k}$-points are $\{1,-1,i,-1\}$ (under suitable identifications).

And it that is true, it seems like the $\overline{k}$ points should be the same thing when $n = p^m$? What makes the $k = p^m$ case more complicated?

The problem here is that in characteristic $p$, we have $T^{p^m}-1=(T-1)^{p^m}$. So there is only one point in this group scheme, and it's not reduced. So, in particular, it's not just the trivial group scheme (which is what you would expect if you only looked at the set of $p^m$th roots of unity).