Proving weak limit of binomial random variables to a Poisson random variable

moment-generating-functionsprobability distributionsprobability theorysolution-verification

The Problem: Fix $0<\lambda<\infty$ and for integers $n>\lambda$ let $X_n\thicksim\text{Binom}(n,\lambda/n)$ and $X\thicksim\text{Poisson}(\lambda)$. Prove the limit in distribution $X_n\overset{d}\longrightarrow X$ using moment generating functions.

My Attempt: First we compute the moment generating function of $X\thicksim\text{Poisson}(\lambda)$. For all $t\in\mathbb R$ we have that
M_X(t)&=E\left[e^{tX}\right]=\sum_{k=0}^\infty\frac{e^{tk}\lambda^k e^{-\lambda}}{k!}\\

On the other hand, using the binomial theorem yields for all $t\in\mathbb R$ that

The above moment generating functions are finite for, say, all $t\in(-1,1)$ and in addition since
also holds for all $t\in(-1,1)$, the continuity theorem for moment generating functions implies that $X_n\overset{d}\longrightarrow X.$

Do you agree with my proof above?
Any feedback is most welcomed and appreciated. Thank your for your time.

Best Answer

I followed each step and they all look good to me, except there is a typo in the statement of the definition of the moment generating function for $X_n$ ($k$ should be $n-k$ for the exponent of $1-\lambda/n$. Also, the radius of convergence of both moment generating functions is all of $\mathbb{R}$, so why have you specified $t \in (-1,1)$?