Proving the repeatedness in the sequence of moves for a Rubik’s cube


I was trying to reason out in Rubik's cube why any specific set of moves works, like:

  1. Showing that applying the sequence of moves $\{R,D,R',D'\}$ $6$ times will restore the cube back to originally it was. Symbols have the usual meaning.
  2. Similairly like the moves $\{M_{xy}, M_{xz}\}$ applied $12$ times we get the cube restored back to originally it was, where $M_{xy} $ denotes moving the middle layer (which is between top and bottom side) in clockwise direction with respect to an observer seeing it from bottom layer. $M_{xz} $ represents middle layer which is between the right and left sides of the cube and moving it in clockwise direction with respect to right side.

Any hint/ideas as to how to prove both without much going deep into group theory ?

Best Answer

Starting from a completed cube, each time you perform your set of moves, you either get a state of the cube that you have seen before, or one that you haven't had before. As there are only finitely many states (even though this is a very big number), you must at some point get to a state you've had before. (Otherwise we'd always be finding a new state so there'd be infinitely many.)

Let's number the steps: 0 is the complete state we start from, applying the moves once gets you to 1, then again to 2, etc.

Then as we saw before, at some step $n$, we get a state we've seen before, say state $m$ (where $m < n$). By applying the reverse of the set of moves from here, we get state $m-1$ which is also state $n-1$. Since this was the first repeated state, we have to have $m = 0$, else $n-1$ would be an earlier repetition.

(By reverse, for instance if we had Down Left we'd do Left' Down', so taking moves back to front and flipping them from clockwise to counter clockwise.)

That means that after $n$ of the sets of moves you already had, we get the original state.

Group theory can help you formalise this, which can help to get the specific numbers (6, 12) for this and potentially other sets of moves.

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