Proving the map $\Psi: \mathcal{V}_pM\to T_pM$ defined by $\Psi[\gamma] = \gamma'(0)$ is well defined and bijective.


I am reading Professor Lee's Intro to Smooth Manifolds book and one of the problems asks the following. How would you approach a proof to this? Also do I need to prove it is well defined? Or is that just a byproduct? Thank you for your time and help!

Let $M$ be a smooth manifold with or without boundary and $p\in M.$ Let $\mathcal{V}_pM$ denote the set of equivalence classes of smooth curves starting at $p$ under the relation $\gamma_1 \sim \gamma_2$ if $(f\circ \gamma_1)'(0) = (f\circ \gamma_2)'(0)$ for every smooth real-valued function $f$ defined in a neighborhood of $p.$ Show that the map $\Psi: \mathcal{V}_pM\to T_pM$ defined by $\Psi[\gamma] = \gamma'(0)$ is well defined and bijective.

Best Answer

I'm proving it for $p$ in the interior, other case is similar. Pick a suitable chart, such that write $\gamma = (x_1(t), \cdots, x_n(t))$ with $\gamma(0) = O$. Then by chain rule, $(f \circ \gamma)'(0) = \sum \frac{\partial f}{\partial x_i}|_O x_i'(0)$. So just set $f(x_1, \cdots, x_n) = x_i$ for all $i$ to conclude if $\gamma_1 \sim \gamma_2$, then $\gamma_1'(0) = \gamma_2'(0)$. This show the map is well defined.

It's bijective, because for any $v \in T_pM$, just pick a straight line parametrizing it (ie, identify $T_O(\mathbb{R}^n)$ with $\mathbb{R}^n$, and define $\gamma(t) = tv$) and consider it's class, this gives an well defined inverse (check it).

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