Proving the identity $ \sum_{k=0}^{\min\{p,q\}} \binom{n}{k} \binom{n-k}{p-k} \binom{n-p}{q-k} = \binom{n}{p} \binom{n}{q}$


While preparing for an exam, I am trying to prove the identity below. I searched for similar questions but only found Combinatorial proof of ${n\choose p}{n\choose q}=\sum_{k=0}^n {n \choose k}{n-k \choose p-k}{n-k \choose q-k}$
(Someone mentioned that this identity may be not true).


Let $p,q ,n\in \mathbb{N}$ s.t $p,q \le n$

$$ \sum_{k=0}^{\min\{p,q\}} \binom{n}{k} \binom{n-k}{p-k} \binom{n-p}{q-k} = \binom{n}{p} \binom{n}{q}$$

My attempt

  • First of all, I want to find a combinatorial proof since it's important for me to understand the "combinatorial story" behind it.

  • I draw this in order to understand maybe what's the "story". But I'm stuck understanding what are the purple elements and the whole connection to the LHS (Note that the index k "runs" over vaules from $0$ to $\min{(p,q)}$). enter image description here

I would appreciate if someone here can try to continue my solution or suggest an alternative solution (if you do please explain each step the motivation behind it).

Best Answer


Just a summary of your own attempt, comment by J.G., and answer by Robert Wegner

Set Up

There are $n$ people, choose $p$ to play football and choose $q$ to play volleyball. Some people may play both of them.

Right Hand Side

  • Choose $p$ out of $n$ to play football
  • Choose $q$ out of $n$ to play volleyball

The total number of possibilities is given by the right hand side.

Left Hand Side

  • Choose $k\in\left[0,\min{\left(p,q\right)}\right]$ to play both
  • From remaining $n-k$, choose $p-k$ to play only football
  • From remaining $n-p$, choose $q-k$ to play only volleyball

Summing up for all allowed value of $k$, the total number of possibilities is then given by the LHS.


Since both count the same object, RHS must equal LHS.

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