Proving the Fibonacci numbers, the odd numbers and other sets are spectra


The first order language is assumed to contain only the identity predicate $I$, and potentially other predicates, but no operations and no constants.

My question is how to show that the following sets are spectra:

  1. The set of even numbers and its complement (odd numbers).
  2. The set of Fibonacci numbers $\{1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,\ldots\}$, and its complement. Recall that the Fibonacci numbers are defined by $F_{1}=1$, $F_{2}=2$, $F_{n}=F_{n-1}+F_{n-2}$ for $n\geq 3$.
  3. The set $\{x^{y}:x,y\geq 2\}$ and its complement.

For 1. I take a binary relation symbol $R$ and sentences $A$, $B$, and $C$ expressing $R$ is reflexive, symmetric and transitive, respectively. Then, let $D$ be the sentence
$$\forall x\exists y((\neg Ixy)\wedge\forall z(Rxz\Leftrightarrow(Ixz\vee Iyz))).$$
The sentence $A\wedge B\wedge C\wedge D$ has spectrum the even numbers. Now, the sentence $A\wedge B\wedge C\wedge \neg D$ does not work to show that the odd numbers are a spectrum, but I believe that if we let $E$ be the sentence expressing that each equivalent class consists of exactly two elements, except for one equivalence class, which consists of exactly one element, then $A\wedge B\wedge C\wedge E$ has spectrum the odd numbers. My candidate for $E$ is
$$\exists x(\forall y (Ixy\Leftrightarrow Rxy)\wedge(\neg(Ixy)\Leftrightarrow\exists z(\neg(Iyz)\wedge\neg(Ixz)\wedge\forall t(Ryt\Leftrightarrow (Iyt\vee Izt))))).$$

However, I am lost as to how to find appropriate sentences for 2. and 3.

Best Answer

Here's a solution to a close relative of $3$, namely $$\{x+y+x^y: x,y\ge 2\}.$$

The idea is that $x^y$ counts the number of functions from a set with $y$ elements to a set with $x$ elements.

We start with the language consisting of three unary predicates $X,Y,F$ and a ternary relation $A$. Our axioms say:

  • $X,Y,F$ partition the domain, and $X$ and $Y$ each have at least two elements.

  • $A\subseteq F\times Y\times X$. Intuitively, elements of $F$ represent functions from $Y$ to $X$, and $A(f,x,y)$ means $f(x)=y$.

  • For all $f,y,x_1,x_2$, we have $A(f,y,x_1)\wedge A(f,y,x_2)\rightarrow x_1=x_2$; and similarly, each element of $F$ describes a total function from $Y$ to $X$.

Now a model of the theory so far amounts to a pair of sets $X,Y$ and some family of functions between them. We have to ensure that every function "appears in the $F$-part" - at least, as long as $X$ and $Y$ are finite (note that Lowenheim-Skolem implies that we can't do this for infinite $X$ and $Y$). We can do this via a cute trick:

Ensure that each constant function is "represented" in $F$, and then say that if $f$ is "represented" in $F$ and $g$ differs from $f$ in a single value then $g$ is "represented" in $F$ too.

Putting everything we have so far together we get a single sentence whose spectrum is the desired set. Now, do you see how to shift from "$x+y+x^y$" to the desired "$x^y$"? (HINT: let some elements of the structure "do double-duty.")

EDIT: note that the general strategy in the above was, "figure out a 'combinatorial story' that the set of numbers has, then tell it possibly with auxiliary sets, then if necessary 'fold in' those auxiliary sets appropriately." The same strategy, at least as I construe it, also describes Atticus' answer addressing your other question.

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