Proving the existence of a continuous function with same integral as another function


Let f be a Riemann-integrable function in $[a,b]$. I have to prove that $\forall \epsilon >0 , \exists g$ continuous , such that $ g \leq f$ and $\int_a^b f – \int_a^b g < \epsilon $.

I thought about aproximating the function with step functions and then aproximating them with linear functions. However, that way I can't satisfy the condition that $ g \leq f$.

Best Answer

Hint: I will give the argument for approximating a step function by a continuous function from below when there is single step. Suppose $h(x)=a$ for $x<x_0$ and $b$ for $x >x_0$ say with $a<b$. Define $g(x)=a$ for $x <x_0$, $g(x)=b$ for $x >x_0+\delta$ and $g(x)=\frac {b-a} {\delta} x+(a-x_0\frac {b-a} {\delta})$ for $x_0\leq x \leq x_0+\delta$. Then $g$ is continuous, $g \leq h$ and $|g(x)-h(x)| \leq \max \{|a|,|b|\}$ for $x_0\leq x \leq x_0+\delta$. Since $g(x) =h(x)$ for other vales of $x$ it follows that $|\int g(x)-\int h(x)| \leq \delta \max \{|a|,|b|\}$. Choose $\delta$ so that $\delta \max \{|a|,|b|\} <\epsilon$.

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