Proving that there is a functor $F: Grp \rightarrow Ab$ s.t $F(G)=G_{ab}$- How to deal with the quotient


Let $G$ be a group. $f$ a group hom. $f:G\rightarrow H $

I define:
$F$ : $G$ $\rightarrow$ $G_{ab}$ a homomorphism, where $G_{ab} : = G/[G,G]$ is the abelianization of group $G$. such that

$F(f):=f_{ab}$ where $f_{ab}([r])=[f(r)]$

I assume F is well-defined on objects, because the abelianization is an ableian group

I think the checks that I have to perform are a part from F mapping identity to the identity and the composition, are :

  1. that $f_{ab}$ is a group hom: (provided 2) has been shown as observed in the comments)


  1. that $f_{ab}$ maps $G_{ab}$ to $H_{ab}$:

    Let $[r] \in G_{ab}$ —> what does this imply? I know that being in [G,G] means being a product of commutators, that is if $g \in [G,G]$, then $g=[g_1,h_1][g_2,h_2],….[g_n,h_n]$ for some finite $n$ but then I am not sure what is the form of the elements in the quotient. Quotienting should be just a regrouping, but still the quotient is something that always comes back to hunt me.

$f_{ab}([r])=[f(r)]$, I have to prove that this is in $H_{ab}$. I know that since f is a group hom
$f([G,G])\subset [H,H]$, but I don't know how to use it here

I know that $G/[G,G]=\{a[G,G]: a \in G\}$, not sure if it helps

  1. that $f_{ab}$ does not depend on the representative of the class, i.e if $[r] = [s] \implies f_{ab}([r])=f_{ab}([s])$

$f_{ab}([r])=[f(r)]$… I am not sure how to continue here

  1. $F(id_G)=id_{F(G)}$

    Let $[r]\in G_{ab}$


  1. $F(f\circ g)=F(f)\circ F(g)$

Anything else that I am missing to prove? How do I complete the missing pieces?. At least with points 2 and 3, I would appreciate a detailed explanation, I've been the whole day on this

Many thanks

Best Answer

I'm not sure what you mean by (2). If you drop your notation for the cosets, we define $f^{ab}:G^{ab} \rightarrow H^{ab}$ by $f^{ab}(g[G,G]) = f(g)[H,H]$, which is clearly an element of the abelianization of $H$.

I think a more illuminating way to see what's going on is to see where the map $f^{ab}$ comes from. First, you have the factor isomorphism theorem.

Theorem: Let $f:G \rightarrow H$ be a group homomorphism and $N \unlhd G$. Then $f$ factors as $f = \psi \pi$ with $\pi:G \rightarrow G/N$ and a well-defined $\psi:G/N \rightarrow H$ if and only if $N \subseteq \ker f$. If this is the case, then $\psi$ is unique and acts by $\psi(gN) = f(g)$.

With this you can prove the universal property of the abelianization.

Theorem: For any group $G$, its commutator subgroup is normal, and $G/[G,G]$ is abelian. Moreover, if $\varphi:G \rightarrow A$ is any group homomorphism into an abelian group, then $\varphi$ factors through the abelianization of $G$ by $\varphi = \psi \pi$ for $\pi:G \rightarrow G/[G,G]$ and a unique group homomorphism $\psi:G/[G,G] \rightarrow A$.

This says whenever we have a group homomorphism $\varphi$ from $G$ into an abelian group, it will factor through the abelianization of $G$.

Now let $\varphi:G \rightarrow H$ be a group homomorphism, i.e a morphism of $\mathbf{Group}$. Denote $\pi:H \rightarrow H/[H,H]$ for the natural projection onto the abelianization. Then we get a composite $\pi \varphi:G \rightarrow H/[H,H]$, and this is still a group homomorphism. However, it is a homomorphism into an abelian group, and so by the universal property of the abelianization, there is a unique group homomorphism $\psi:G/[G,G] \rightarrow H/[H,H]$ for which $\varphi = \psi \pi_G$, where $\pi_G$ is projection onto the abelianization of $G$.

In particular, the functor $F$ from $\mathbf{Group}$ to $\mathbf{Ab}$ groups sending $G$ to $G^{ab}$ and a morphism $f:G \rightarrow H$ to the unique map $\psi:G^{ab} \rightarrow H^{ab}$ which is defined by the universal property of the abelianization. In this way the map $f^{ab}$ is already well-defined from the factor isomorphism theorem, and its definition is more intuitive.

Edit: As FShrike mentioned, your attempt at well-defined is not quite there. Here is how you might show it manually:

Suppose $[r] = [s]$. This means that $s^{-1}r \in [G,G]$. In turn, $f(s^{-1}r) \in [H,H]$. Because $f$ is a group homomorphism, $f(s)^{-1}f(r) \in [H,H]$ which implies that $[f(s)] = [f(r)]$, and so $f^{ab}([r]) = f^{ab}([s])$ and the map is well-defined.

In this one uses that if $f$ is a homomorphism $f([a,b]) = [f(a),f(b)]$, which extends to finite products of commutators. You should review the universal property of the abelianization as FShrike mentioned.