Proving That a Point is Fixed – Euclidean Geometry


Circle with the center O, and also points A and B on it are fixed on a plane, M is the midpoint of AB. Points P and Q are chosen arbitrarily on the circle, the tangent line through P intersects AB at point C, CQ intersects circle the second time at point D. The circle passing through points D, M, Q intersects AB the second time at point E. Prove that the intersection of PE and OM remains constant for any choice of points P and Q.

Here is the diagram (black points are fixed, blue ones are arbitrarily chosen, green depend on blue ones, and red point is the one in question)


This was the last question on my final exam, and the teacher herself didn't know how to solve it. I have only noticed that CPOM is cyclic, but this didn't lead to anything. I also tried to solve it in coordinates, and this probably would lead us to a solution, but there were so many variables and equations that I decided to stop because of the lack of time.

Best Answer

This was not as easy as I thought.

Draw the second tangent (other than $CP$) from $C$ to the circle with centre $O$ and call it $CJ$. Define $E'$ as the intersection of $AB$ and $PJ$.

Claim: $E = E'$.
Proof: It suffices to show that $D,E',M,Q$ are concyclic.
Note that $PBJA$ is a harmonic quadrilateral. It is well known that $M,P,C,J$ are concyclic. (As you've noticed, $O$ lies on this circle too.)
Consider $\triangle CPE'$ and $\triangle CMP$. $\angle PCE' = \angle MCP$ and $\angle CPE' = \angle CPJ = \angle CMJ = \angle CMP$ (as $CP=CJ$). Hence $\triangle CPE' \sim \triangle CMP$.
Particularly, $\overline{CE'} \cdot \overline{CM} = \overline{CP}^2$. But, $\overline{CP}^2 = \overline{CD} \cdot \overline{CQ}$, so that $\overline{CE'} \cdot \overline{CM} = \overline{CD} \cdot \overline{CQ} \iff D,E',M,Q \text{ are concyclic}$.

Now, since $PBJA$ is harmonic, the tangents from $A$ and $B$, and $PJ = PE$ must concur. It is not hard to see that they concur on $OM$.