Proving that set of all polynomials over $F$ form a vector space

linear algebrapolynomialsvector-spaces

I'm trying to prove that the set of polynomials, $\mathrm{Poly}(F)$, with coefficients in the field $F$ form a vector space. The only definition of addition I have is "in the usual way," which I assume means that I would add corresponding coefficients and then leave the coefficients for higher-degree monomials. For example,
(x^3 + x^2 + x + 1) + (2x^2 + 1) = x^3 + (2+1)x^2 + (1 + 0)x + (1+1)x^0.

I'm trying to find a way to rigorously write this so that I can prove, for example, commutativity or associativity. The problem is that I may have to add polynomials of different degrees, which complicates things. I can take polynomials of degrees $n,m$ where $n \leq m$ and "embed" the smaller degree polynomial into the set of higher-degree polynomials by adding additional coefficients of $0$, and then continue the algebra in the higher-degree set. Is that the trick? Otherwise, I can't think of a way to do this that involves quite a bit of casework over the relative sizes of the degrees of the polynomials.

Best Answer

One way to handle the issue of "how to write these polynomials and define their operations rigorously" would be as so: let

$$\begin{align*}&\text{Poly}(F) \\ &:= \left\{ p(x) := \sum_{n=0}^\infty a_n x^n \, \middle| \, a_n \in F, \exists N_p \in \mathbb{N} \text{ s.t. } a_{N_p} \ne 0 \;\&\; n > N_p \Rightarrow a_n = 0 \right\} \cup \{\mathcal{Z}\} \end{align*}$$

and we say $N_p = \deg(p)$, i.e. $N_p$ is the degree of $p$ (for $p \ne \mathcal{Z}$). Above, $\mathcal{Z}$ is understood to be the zero polynomial, i.e. $\mathcal{Z}(x) \equiv 0$ for all $x$. It is often taken that $\deg(\mathcal{Z}) = -\infty$ to mesh well with later observations. You can take

$$\mathcal{Z}(x) := \sum_{n=0}^\infty 0x^n$$

to make it work better in terms of operations.

Notice in particular how this retains our intuitive ideas of polynomials: sure, we have an upper bound of $\infty$, so it's more like power series, but for a particular $p \ne \mathcal{Z}$ and corresponding $N_p$ (always finite!) we have the equivalence

$$p(x) := \sum_{n=0}^\infty a_n x^n = \sum_{n=0}^{N_p} a_n x^n$$

Then you can define our operations quite simply. Take $p,q \in \text{Poly}(F)$ and $\alpha \in F$ with

$$\begin{align*} p(x) &:= \sum_{n=0}^\infty p_n x^n \\ q(x) &:= \sum_{n=0}^\infty q_n x^n \\ N_p &= \deg(p) \\ N_q &= \deg(q) \end{align*}$$

Then we define

$$\begin{align*} (p+q)(x) &:= \sum_{n=0}^\infty (p_n + q_n)x^n \\ (p\cdot q)(x) &:= \sum_{n=0}^\infty \left( \sum_{i+j=n} p_i q_j \right) x^n \\ (\alpha p)(x) &:= \sum_{n=0}^\infty \alpha p_n x^n \end{align*}$$

We can ensure that $$\begin{align*} \deg(p+q) &= \max \{N_p,N_q\} \\ \deg(p \cdot q) &= N_p + N_q \\ \deg(\alpha p) &= \begin{cases} \deg(p) & \alpha \ne 0 \\ -\infty & \alpha = 0 \text{ (and hence } \alpha p = \mathcal{Z}) \end{cases} \end{align*}$$

where we assume $-\infty + k = -\infty$ for any finite $k$ (and, of course, $-\infty < k$ for any finite $k$).

Using this alongside the field axioms can be used to show, indeed, $p+q,p\cdot q,\alpha p \in \text{Poly}(F)$.

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