Proving that odd partitions and distinct partitions are equal


I am working through The Theory of Partitions by George Andrews (I have the first paperback edition, published in 1998).

Corollary 1.2 is a standard result that shows that the number of partitions of $n$ into odd parts is the same as the number of partitions of $n$ into distinct parts.

Andrews's proof uses generating functions, but it contains this step that has me confounded:

\prod_{n = 1}^\infty \frac{1 – q^{2 n }}{1 – q^n} = \prod_{n = 1}^\infty \frac{1}{1 – q^{2 n – 1}}.

Can anybody point me in the right direction?
I tried turning $1 – q^n$ into an infinite sum and then expanding, to get
\frac{1 – q^{2 n }}{1 – q^n} = 1 + q + q^2 + \dots + q^{2 n -1},

but I don't see how this manipulation will help me.

Best Answer

Who needs generating functions? We can set up a correspondence between distinct partitions and odd partitions by means of two inverse procedures, which I call doubling and halving.

Given an odd partition


we double identical pairs -- $1+1\to 2, 3+3\to6$. Note that one of the $3$'s remains unpaired because we had an odd number of them:


And then we double again with the remaining identical pair of $2$'s, which leaves us ultimately with only single numbers thus a distinct partition into which the odd partition is mapped:


Now go the other way. Start with a distinct partition such as


and split each even number in half, iterating until only odd numbers are left:



Thus doubling uniquely maps $3+3+3+1+1+1+1$ into $6+4+3$ and halving uniquely maps $6+4+3$ back into $3+3+3+1+1+1+1$.

What's really happening?

Bit by bit

Let's look closely at the evolution of the $3$'s from the odd partition. In binary arithmetic there are $11_2$ of these. Doubling therefore inevitably leads to one term equal to $2×3$, from the first $1$ bit, plus $1×3$ from the second $1$ bit. Thus in base ten, $3+3+3\to6+3$. And if we start from a distinct partition with $6+3$ where $6$ and $3$ are the only numbers with $3$ as the largest odd factor, halving is sure to give $11_2$ threes or $3+3+3$.

We can see the same thing with the $1$'s. The odd partitions started with $100_2$ of these terms, so repeatedly doubling can't leave any terms of $1×1$ or $2×1$. We can only get a term of $4×1$ from the $1$ bit in $100_2$, and going the other way $4$ which is $1×2^2$ can generate a string of $1$'s that is $100_2$ or four terms long.

Similar correspondences hold in general connecting each odd partitions uniquely with a distinct one. Let's look at all of them for $13$:



















*A partition that is both distinct and odd maps into itself.

#An odd partition of all $1$'s maps into the binary representation of the number, which dovetails with the arguments above.