Proving that non-negative $f$ is Riemann integrable inside interval for every $\mathcal E$ such that…

definite integralsintegrationreal-analysisriemann sumriemann-integration

Let $f$ be a non-negative function defined for $[a,b]$ such that for every $\mathcal E >0$, the set $\{ x \in [a,b] : f(x) \geq \mathcal E\}$ is finite. Prove that $f$ is Riemann integrable in $[a,b]$, and that $\int ^b_a f(x)dx = 0$.

Intuitively, I can see that this function must either be the zero function, or a mapping of finite points which descend into the zero function, from the second part of the question. I know that the complement of the given set is $\{x \in [a,b] : f(x) < \mathcal{E}\}$, which is infinite, and I managed to prove it is integrable only for the case where the given set is empty, but other than that — I'm stuck.

Best Answer

An sketch for a proof, fill in the details.

Let $E_n:=\{x\in[a,b]:f(x)\geqslant 1/n\}$, then note that if $E_n$ is finite then $M:=\sup_{x\in[a,b]} f(x)<\infty $ and $M$ is attained, at most, at a finite number of points.

Now for any $x\in E_n$ you can set a closed interval containing it of length less or equal to $1/(n|E_n|)$, that is $[x-1/(2n|E_n|),x+1/(2n|E_n|)]\cap [a,b]$, where $|E_n|$ is the cardinality of $E_n$. Then for any partition $P$ with mesh smaller to $1/(2n|E_n|)$ we have that $$ 0\leqslant R(f,P)\leqslant \frac{b-a}n+\frac{M}n $$ where follows that the integral is zero.

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