Proving that if the dual space $X^*$ of a Banach space $X$ is separable , then $X$ is separable


I have reading an answer post before , and there's something I do not understand .
For each $f_n$ in the unit ball of $X^*$ , why there exist $x_n \in X$ with $\|x_n \| \le1$ such that $f_n(x_n) \ge \frac{1}{2}$ .
I can show that for each $f_n$ , there exist $x \in X$ , $f_n(x)=a \neq 0$ . So let $x_n = \frac{x}{a}$ , we get the inequality . But how to get the desired $x_n$ with $x_n$ also in the unit ball of $X$ ?

Best Answer

That is false. It should read, the unit sphere, not the unit ball.

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