Proving that $\gamma(ω^{β}n+η)=\gamma(ω^{β})+\omega^{β}(ω^{β}(n-1)+η)$, where $n∈ℕ$ , $η0$.


Let $\gamma$ be the function which associates to each ordinal $\alpha$ the unique ordinal which is isomorphic to the well ordered set $\left(\alpha\times\alpha,\leq_{\text{c}}\right)$ (I have defined $\leq_{\text{c}}$ here Finding an order isomorphism from $\text{On}\times\text{On}$ to $\text{On}$). I want to show that


If I express $\omega^{\beta}n+\eta$ in its cantor normal form, then this can be done by using induction and the formula

$$\gamma(\omega^{\zeta_{0}}+\omega^{\zeta_{1}}m)=\gamma(\omega^{\zeta_{0}})+\omega^{\zeta_{0}+\zeta_{1}}m $$

(here $m\in\omega-\left\{ 0\right\}$, $\zeta_{0}\geq1$, and $0<\zeta_{1}\leq\zeta_{0}$)

But I want to prove this without using Cantor Normal Form. It is possible to do this?

Best Answer


One can do this using induction and basic ordinal arithmetic only.

First lets observe a few rules:

  1. $\gamma$ is continuous, that is whenever $\alpha$ is the limit of a sequence $(\alpha_i)_{i<\delta}$ then $\gamma(\alpha)=\operatorname{sup}_{i<\delta}\gamma(\alpha_i)$
  2. $\gamma(\alpha+1)=\gamma(\alpha)+\alpha 2+1$

From 2. it follows by induction that $\gamma(\alpha+ n)=\gamma(\alpha)+\alpha 2n +1$ for infinite $\alpha$ and thus we get

  1. $\gamma(\alpha+\omega)=\gamma(\alpha)+\alpha\omega$

Let $A(\beta,n,\eta)$ denote $$\gamma(\omega^\beta n+\eta)=\gamma(\omega^\beta)+\omega^\beta(\omega^\beta(n-1)+\eta)$$ for $\beta\geq 1, 1\leq n<\omega$ and $\eta<\omega^\beta$ not a successor.

In anything what follows, $\beta$ will always be $\geq 1$ and $n$ will be a positive integer and $\eta$ will be an ordinal which is not a successor.

First we will see

If $A(\beta,n, 0)$ holds, then $A(\beta, n, \eta)$ holds for all non-successor $\eta\leq \omega^\beta$.

So assume $A(\beta, n, \eta)$ is true and $\eta<\omega^\beta$. We will show $A(\beta, n, \eta+\omega)$.

We have: $$\gamma(\omega^\beta n+\eta+\omega)=\gamma(\omega^\beta n+\eta)+(\omega^\beta n+\eta)\omega=\gamma(\omega^\beta)+\omega^\beta(\omega^\beta(n-1)+\eta)+(\omega^\beta n+\eta)\omega$$ Since $\eta<\omega^\beta$, we can simplify the last term $(\omega^\beta n+\eta)\omega$ to $\omega^\beta\omega$. Finally, $$ \gamma(\omega^\beta)+\omega^\beta(\omega^\beta(n-1)+\eta)+\omega^\beta\omega=\gamma(\omega^\beta)+\omega^\beta(\omega^\beta(n-1)+\eta+\omega)$$

For the limit case, assume $\eta=\sup\eta_i$ for limit ordinals $\eta_i$ so that $A(\beta, n,\eta_i)$ holds for all $i<\xi$. Then by 1.: $$\gamma(\omega^\beta n+ \eta)=\sup\gamma(\omega^\beta n+ \eta_i)=\sup\gamma(\omega^\beta)+\omega^\beta(\omega^\beta (n-1)+\eta_i)=\gamma(\omega^\beta)+\omega^\beta(\omega^\beta (n-1)+\eta)$$ To verify the last equality, note that $\sup\delta(\mu+\eta_i)=\sup\delta\mu+\delta\eta_i=\delta\mu+\delta\eta=\delta(\mu+\eta)$ for any choice of $\delta, \mu$.

Next up:

If $A(\beta, n, 0)$ holds then $A(\beta, n+1, 0)$ does, too.

We already know that $A(\beta, n, \omega^\beta)$ is true. But this implies $$\gamma(\omega^\beta (n+1))=\gamma(\omega^\beta n+\omega^\beta)=\gamma(\omega^\beta)+\omega^\beta(\omega^\beta(n-1)+\omega^\beta)=\gamma(\omega^\beta)+\omega^\beta(\omega^\beta n+ 0)$$ which is what we desire.

Note that proving $A(\beta, 1, 0)$ for any $\beta$ is trivial, as this amounts to $\gamma(\omega^\beta)=\gamma(\omega^\beta)$.

All in all, $A(\beta, n, \eta)$ holds for all appropriate $\beta, n, \eta$.

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