Proving that disconnecting edges of a 3-edge-colorable graph are of the same color

coloringcombinatoricsdiscrete mathematicsgraph theorygraph-connectivity

I'm struggling to prove the following:

Edges of a connected cubic graph G can be colored with 3 colors in
such a way that no adjacent edges are of the same color. 2 edges were
removed from the graph making it disconnected. Proof that those edges
were of the same color.

I've found an example of a cubic graph with two edges that disconnect it, and tried to color them with different colors and failed to do that, but I'm not sure how to prove that.

example of a graph

Best Answer

Proceed by contradiction. Let $H$ be $G$ after removing the two edges.

Take a connected component $C$ of $H$ and assume $e$ is a removed edge from a vertex $x$ in $C$ to a vertex not in $C$.

Also assume $e$ is blue and the other removed edge is green.

Let the other color be red. Note that the red edges with endings in $C$ form a matching of $C$ so $|C|$ is even.

On the other hand the blue edges with endings in $C$ form a matching of $C\setminus \{x\}$ so $|C|-1$ is even.

A contradiction.