Proving that countable intersection of G-$ \delta $ set is a G- $ \delta $ set


I am trying to prove that countable intersection of G-$ \delta $ set is a G- $ \delta $ set .
I am trying to use countable union of F- $ \sigma $ is again a F-$ \sigma $ and that complement of G- $ \delta $ is F- $ \sigma $ and vice versa. but I don't know how to deal with S \ $
\bigcap $
$ \bigcap $ G- $ \delta $ which I must prove F- $ \sigma $.
Can someone please help.

Best Answer

Summarising comments, essentially:

  1. You don't need to use $F_\sigma$ sets at all. It should be well-known that $\Bbb N \times \Bbb N$ is countable and so if $G_n = \bigcap_{m \in \Bbb N} O^{(n)}_m$ is a sequence of $G_\delta$'s in a space $X$ (so all $O^{(n)}_m$ are open sets) then $$\bigcap_{n \in \Bbb N} G_n = \bigcap_{(n,m) \in \Bbb N \times \Bbb N} O^{(n)}_m$$ is also a countable intersection of open sets, and hence a $G_\delta$.

  2. But if $F_\sigma$ are absolutely necessary, apply de Morgan twice: $$\left(\bigcap_n \bigcap_m O^{(n)}_m\right)^\complement =\bigcup_n \left(\bigcap_m O^{(n)}_m \right)^\complement = \bigcup_n \bigcup_m \left(O^{(n)}_m\right)^\complement $$ so the complement of $\bigcap_n G_n$ is an $F_\sigma$ (a countable union of $F_\sigma$ sets was supposed to be known) and so the set itself is $G_\delta$. But IMHO this is too roundabout a way.