Proving that an injective and surjective linear map is invertible

linear algebrasolution-verification

I'm trying to understand how a surjective and injective linear map is invertible. I'm using Axler's book but I found the proof there hard to follow (in one of the directions only; I can see why an invertible linear map is surjective and injective).

Say $T: V \to W$ is a linear map from vector space $V$ to vector space $W$. It is injective and surjective. I want to prove that there exists a linear map $S:W \to V$ such that $TS = I, ST = I$ where each $I$ is the identity map in $W$ and $V$ respectively.

Axler's proof introduces $S$ as:

For each $w \in W$, define $Sw$ to be the unique element of $V$ such
that $TSw$ = $w$ (the existence and uniqueness of such an element
follow from the surjectivity and injectivity of $T$).

First of all, what is $S$ here? Is it a function or some sort of operator? Or is it a linear map $S:W \to V$?

But the proof ends with a final section:

To complete the proof, we need to show that $S$ is linear

So $S$ was not a linear map, then what was it?

If $S$ can be taken as a linear map

  • If I assume $S:W \to V$, I can use the surjective $T$ to say that $\exists v \in V$ such that $Tv = w \forall w \in W$.
  • Additionally with injective $T$, $\forall w_1, w_2 \in W$ such that $w_1 \neq w_2$ we know $v_1, v_2 \in V$ exists such that $Tv_1 = w_1, Tv_2 = w_2$. If $v_1 = v_2$ then $Tv_1 = Tv_2 \implies w_1 = w_2$ which contradicts our assumption that $w_1 \neq w_2$. So $v_1 \neq v_2$. So $w_1 \neq w_2 \implies v_1 \neq v_2$.
  • Define $S$ as a map from each $w \in W$ to a unique (proved to exist in previous point) $v \in V$ such that $Sw = v$ where $Tv = w$. So $TSw = Tv= w$.

Is this a valid way to interpret Axler's bracketed text?

Best Answer

What is happening is the following.

Let $T: V \to W$ be a linear map that is both injective and surjective. We want to construct an inverse $S: W \to V$. (

Given $w \in W$, how would we define $Sw \in V?$ Well, since $T$ is injective and surjective, there exists a unique element $v \in V$ with $Tv = w$. This uniqueness allows us to define $Sw:= v$.

Axler used suggestive notation and immediately wrote $v = Sw.$

Note that you only need to check that $S$ is an inverse of $T$ and not that it is linear. The inverse of a linear map is always automatically linear (exercise!).

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