Proving that a symmetric bilinear form on $L$ is invariant


Let $L$ be a Lie algebra and $\rho: L \to \mathfrak{gl}(V)$ a finite-dimensional representation of L. Define a symmetric bilinear form on $L$ by $$\langle x, y \rangle_{\rho} = tr (\rho(x) \rho(y))$$

Where $\text{ tr }$ denotes the trace of endomorphisms.

$(a)$ Prove that this form is invariant, i.e., we have $$\langle [x,y], z \rangle_{\rho} = \langle x,[y,z] \rangle_{\rho}$$

for all $x,y,z \in L.$

My thoughts:

I do not know how exactly to do this, specifically how to expand the trace. I know that the Lie bracket of a Lie Algebra satisfies antisymmetry and Jacobi identity but still how to use this to prove the required. Could anyone help me in this please?

Best Answer

Any trace form is invariant because of ${\rm tr}([A,B]C)={\rm tr}(A[B,C])$ for $A,B,C \in {\rm End}(V)$.

Indeed, using Jyrki's comment with ${\rm tr}(BAC)={\rm tr}(ACB) $ we have $$ {\rm tr}([A,B]C)={\rm tr}((AB-BA)C)={\rm tr}(ABC-BAC)={\rm tr}(ABC-ACB)={\rm tr}(A[B,C]). $$

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