Proving that $3^{(3^4)}>4^{(4^3)}$ without a calculator


Is there a slick elementary way of proving that $3^{(3^4)}>4^{(4^3)}$ without using a calculator?

Here is what I was thinking:
It is possible to prove that $\left(\dfrac{256}{243}\right)^{16}<3$ without a calculator by making a comparison such as $\dfrac{256}{243}=1+\dfrac{13}{243}<1+\dfrac{15}{240}=\dfrac{17}{16}$ and $\left(1+\dfrac{1}{16}\right)^{16}<e$ so $\left(\dfrac{256}{243}\right)^{16}<\left(1+\dfrac{1}{16}\right)^{16}<e<3$.

Is there a more elegant elementary proof? Ideally I'm looking for a proof that doesn't rely on calculus.

Source of problem: I made up this question but it is inspired by a similar question that appeared in the British Mathematical Olympiad round 1 in 2014.

Best Answer

$\Large {3^{3^4} \over 4^{4^3}} = {3^{81} \over 4^{64}} = {3 \over \left({256\over243}\right)^{16}} > {3 \over (1+{13\over243})^{243\over13}} > {3 \over e} > 1$