Proving $\sqrt{2013^{2016}+2014^{2016}}$ is irrational


Prove $\sqrt{2013^{2016}+2014^{2016}}$ is irrational.

I've looked at the proofs for proving $\sqrt{\mathstrut 2}$, $\sqrt{\mathstrut 3}$, and$\sqrt{\mathstrut 15}$ irrational. Using proof by contradiction, assuming this number is rational and in the form of $\frac{m}{n}$ where m&n are relatively prime. I understand that for the $\sqrt{\mathstrut 2}$ proof you essentially get that they're both even and thus not relatively prime, and $\sqrt{\mathstrut 3}$ proof involves rewriting m and n as 2a+1 and 2b+1 and getting LHS odd and RHS even. For the $\sqrt{\mathstrut 15}$ you get the factors of 3 and 5 being odd on one side and even on the other.

I'm having difficulty using any of these techniques to prove the problem is irrational. Is there a way I'm supposed to rewrite 2013 and 2014 in order to simplify this problem into one of the above mention proofs?

Any thoughts or suggestions would be extremely helpful. Thank you!

Best Answer

What are the possible last digits in base 10 for square numbers?

What is the last digit of the radicand? (bit inside the root)

Let me know if you need further help.

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