Proving Jacobi identity for Poisson bracket using antisymmetric matrix


I want to prove that the Poisson bracket from Hamiltonian mechanics satisfies the Jacobi identity and I want to do so using the matrix
$$(J^{ij})=\begin{pmatrix}0 & -I_2 \\ I_2 & 0\end{pmatrix},$$
where $I_2$ is the 2$\times$2 identity matrix. It is obvious to see that $J^{ij}=-J^{ji}$. The matrix $J$ can be used to write Hamilton's equations for position and conjugate momentum compactly as
$$\dot{x}=J\cdot\nabla H;\quad x:=(p_1,\cdots,p_n,q_1,\cdots,q_n).$$

For any two observables $A,B$, the Poisson bracket may be written as

Now I want to use this to prove the Jacobi identity

Using the formula above for writing the Poisson bracket in terms of $J$, we get: $$\{A,\{B,C\}\}=J^{ij}J^{kl}\partial_iA\partial_j(\partial_kB\partial_lC)=J^{ij}J^{kl}(\partial_iA\partial^2_{jk}B\partial_lC+\partial_iA\partial_kB\partial^2_{jl}C).$$
Now we use:

Substituting this into our result above leaves us with:

The first term is easily transformed into:

But from here on, I have a bit of a problem to show, that the other term vanishes:

First, I pull $\partial^2_{ik}A$ out of the bracket by switching the indices $l,k$ in the second term. Using $J^{kl}=-J^{lk}$, we obtain:

Notice that $\partial_kB$ becomes $\partial_lB$. Now we switch $j,k$, so we can pull $\partial_jB\partial_lC$ out of the bracket as well. We are left with:

How do I now show that this vanishes? Any hints or ideas?

Best Answer

When you pull $\partial^2_{ik}A$ out of the brackets you actually get $$J^{ij}\partial^2_{ik}A\big(J^{kl}\partial_j B\partial_l C + J^{lk} \partial_l B \partial_j C\big).$$ Then you use $J^{lk} = -J^{kl}$ and switch $l \rightleftarrows j$ in the second term to get $$\partial^2_{ik}A \partial_j B\partial_l C\big(J^{ij}J^{kl}-J^{il}J^{kj}\big).$$ Finally use that $\partial_i$ and $\partial_k$ commute and do $i \rightleftarrows k$ to one of the terms to conclude the result.