Proving $\det(AB) = \det(A) \det(B)$ with elementary matrices

determinantlinear algebramatricesproof-explanation

I am trying to follow Artin's proof that $\det(AB) = \det(A) \det(B)$, but many of the details are omitted, so I am having difficulty.
I have established the following two lemmas.

Lemma 1: $\det(EA) = \det(E) \det(A)$ for any elementary matrix $E$ and matrix $A$.

Lemma 2: For an invertible matrix $A = E_1 E_2 \cdots E_n$, we have
$$\det (A) = \det(E_1) \det(E_2) \cdots \det(E_n).$$

Artin uses these facts to conclude that
$$\det(AB) = \det(E_1 \cdots E_k B) = \det(E_1) \cdots \det(E_n) \det(B). $$
I do not understand why this result follows from the lemmas. Help with this would be appreciated.

Best Answer

$$\begin{align} \det(AB) &= \det(\color{red}{E_1} \color{orange}{E_2} \color{blue}{E_3} \cdots E_k B) \\ &= \det(\color{red}{E_1}) \det(\color{orange}{E_2} \color{blue}{E_3} \cdots E_k B) \tag{1} \\ &= \det(\color{red}{E_1}) \det(\color{orange}{E_2}) \det(\color{blue}{E_3} \cdots E_k B) \tag{2} \\ & \ \; \vdots \\ &= \det(E_1) \det(E_2) \cdots \det(E_k) \det(B) \tag{$k$} \\ &= \det(A)\det(B) \end{align}$$ where in each of the steps $(1), (2), \dots, (k)$ we use lemma 1, since the $E_i$'s are elementary matrices; and in the last step we use lemma 2 assuming that $A = E_1\cdots E_k$.