Proving $\cos2A+\cos2B-\cos2C=1-4\sin A\sin B\cos C$ with identities for $\sin2A+\sin2B+\sin2C$ and $\cos2A+\cos2B+\cos2C$


I know the solution to this question, which is very long.

Prove the trigonometric identity $$\cos2A+\cos2B-\cos2C=1-4\sin A\sin B\cos C \tag{$\star$}$$
where the angles are part of $\triangle ABC$

I would like to know:

Is it possible to prove $(\star)$ with the following trigonometric identities?
$$\sin2A+\sin2B+\sin2C=4\sin A\sin B\sin C$$
$$\cos2A+\cos2B+\cos2C=-1-4\cos A\cos B\cos C$$

My teacher told me such questions can be solved very quickly using these identities instead of the transformation formulas. However I just can figure out how to use them.

Best Answer

Using $$\cos(2x)=2\cos^2(x)-1$$ we have to prove $$\cos^2(A)+\cos^2(B)+\cos^2(C)=1-2\cos(A)\cos(B)\cos(C)$$ now use the theorem of cosines.

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