Proving correctness of Euclid’s GCD Algorithm through Induction


So I'm completely stuck on how to prove Euclid's GCD Algorithm, given that we know the theorem $\texttt{gcd}(a, b) = \texttt{gcd}(b, a -b)$ as well as $\texttt{gcd}(a, b) = (b, a \bmod b)$

How would we go about proving the correctness of the algorithm, essentially that the GCD returned call it $d$, by $\texttt{gcd}(a, b)$ is correct for all pairs of $(a, b)$?

My instinct is to use induction, but I don't quite understand what we would be using induction on.. I find the two theorems straightforward, but I don't quite understand how to apply them in a manner to begin an induction proof (I'm thinking strong induction) to show that the algorithm correctly computes the GCD for all pairs $(a, b)$ such that $a \in \mathbb{N}$, $b \in \mathbb{N}$ and $a > b$ since if $b > a$ the algorithm will simply switch the two.

I've referred to the CLRS book where they provide proofs of the theorems (but I understand the theorems and don't have to prove these) but am still completely stuck on how to move forward. I imagined starting with some base case such as $$gcd(1,0)$$ or $$gcd(2, 0)$$ or $$gcd(2, 1)$$ but from there I'm not sure what we're using induction on, or what the inductive step really would be. I understand we basically have to show that the algorithm gets down to our base case, that is $a \bmod b $ is $0$, the last remainder stored by the function is returned and that is our gcd.

I also went through some examples with numbers, like $gcd(55, 34)$ and continuously applied the theorem that $gcd(a, b) = gcd(b, a – b)$ to see that the recursive call finally ends in $gcd(1, 1)$ and $1 \bmod 1$ = $0$, so $1$ is returned.

Could someone please shed some light on how to move forward? Have spent significant time trying to attempt this proof.

Best Answer

The key here, quoting from the section Infinite descent in the wikipedia article on mathematical induction, is

$\quad$ ... there are no infinite decreasing sequences of natural numbers

Here we provide constructions/hints and leave the organization/exposition of the theory to the interested reader.

Recall that we have the first projection mapping $\pi_1$ on $\Bbb Z^{+} \times \Bbb Z^{+}$ defined by:

$\quad \forall \, (m,m) \in \Bbb Z^{+} \times \Bbb Z^{+} : \pi_1(m,n)=m$

Define $P = \{ (m,n) \in \Bbb Z^{+} \times \Bbb Z^{+} \mid m \ge n \} $. Recall that the set $P$ contains the diagonal set

$\quad \quad \quad \Delta_{\mathbb Z^{+}} = \{(d,d) \mid d \in \mathbb Z^{+}\}$.

We define the function $F: P \to P$ as follows

$$ F(m,n) = \left\{\begin{array}{lr} (m,n) & \text{if } m = n\\ (m-n,n) & \text{if } m-n \ge n\\ (n,m-n) & \text{if } m-n \lt n\\ \end{array}\right\} $$

If $(m,n) \in P$ we can apply the $\text{gcd}$ function. Note that for elements $(d,d)$ in the diagonal $\Delta_{\mathbb Z^{+}}$,

$\tag 1 \text{gcd}(d,d) = d$

Now it is well known that

$\tag 2 \text{gcd}(m,n) = \text{gcd}\big(F(m,n)\big)$

For fixed $(s,t)$ in the domain of $F$ we define a sequence

$\tag 3 a_k = \pi_1 \circ F^k(s,t)$

By using the absurdity of an infinite descent, the sequence $(a_k)$ eventually 'stops decreasing and remains constant. That happens precisely when the algorithm $F$ 'hits the diagonal.

So the algorithm $F$ 'gets us' to the diagonal in a finite number of steps, and from there we can just 'read off' greatest common divisor.

Example: Let $m = 28$ and $n = 10$ so that $(m,n)$ belongs to the domain of $F$.

$\quad F(28,10) = (18, 10)$
$\quad F(18,10) = (10, 8)$
$\quad F(10,8) = (8, 2)$
$\quad F(8,2) = (6, 2)$
$\quad F(6,2) = (4, 2)$
$\quad F(4,2) = (2, 2)$ STOP

Of course if you don't want to stop you can continue to apply $F$. But the points on the diagonal are exactly the fixed points of $F$, so you will quickly lose interest.

The point $(2,2) \in \Delta_{\mathbb Z^{+}}$ and so $\text{gcd}(28,10) = 2$.